Cameron Paige

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 17, 2011

39 Weeks!

Today we had a doctors appointment to check out how Miss Cameron was doing. Great news -- she is doing wonderfully! Her heart rate is perfect and she is having a good ole time wiggling around. Actually, she is having such a good time we think she is deciding to stay for a while longer. So, we hope you didn't get your hopes up, but it does appear that we will be updating this blog again next week on her due date (Tuesday, February 22). Next week we will go to the appointment and get an updated ultra sound to tell us how big she is and also how much amniotic fluid surrounds her. At that point we will also decide how many more days we want to give her before we induce labor. We can give her up to an additional 2 weeks or until she reaches 11 pounds (YIKES), but at 11 pounds they would automatically perform a C-Section. Neither of those options sound to appealing to us, so we will wait and see what our little girl decides to do between now and our next appointment on Tuesday. Here are her updated due date predictions (just for fun):

February 18th (bc he wants to come to the hospital and it has an 8 in it): Uncle Sean
February 19th: Uncle Mike and Uncle Patrick
February 20th: (Great)Aunt Paige and Great Granny Martin
February 22nd: CAMERON'S DUE DATE
February 23rd: Kelsey and Grandma P

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 38!

Yesterday we had our 38 week appointment and it appears that our little girl has become quite comfortable. She didn't make any progress this week. We are still between 1 and 2 centimeters dilated and my cervix has become "mushy" as the OB would say. So, I guess we are going to have to be patient. Technically she has two more weeks but we can always pray for her to come earlier! Aunt Carolyn thinks Cameron will come on February 10Th and Grandma B is hoping for the 12th -- any other predictions? Next appointment is Thursday, February 17th!
36 weeks

38 Weeks

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 37 Update

Today Cameron is now considered a "full term" baby. So, if she was born today (or any time after) she should be able to thrive in the world on her own. She, however, is maybe considering staying until her due date or after. I only say that because today at the doctors appointment we only progressed 1/2 a centimeter (now we are 1 1/2 cm dilated) and are now 60% effaced. The doctor also said Cameron hasn't dropped as much as she would like but we still have time for her to do that -- no worries! So, I can't complain because we are progressing! I mean it is all on her time, right?!? Our next appointment is Monday, February 7th. I will update you then! (: