Thank you Momma P for the very generous gift of baby furniture and bedding!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Cameron's Room
Sugar and spice and everything pink, green, and yellow! Cameron's room is almost completely ready for her arrival. Here are a few pictures of her room so far! Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Baby Shower and Visit
Okay, we know you've been waiting a long time for some pictures of the baby shower and thanks to Momma P -- WE HAVE SOME! Yay! The baby shower was beautiful. It was hosted at a restaurant/bakery called Breadwinners in Dallas. Beautiful fresh pink roses decorated the tables, brunch and dessert were served, we played a few games, and Stacy opened A LOT of presents (most of them in pretty pink gift wrapping)! This was a ladies only shower so Bruce and Uncle Sean went golfing with their friends. We all met up after for a few drinks (Stacy stuck to Tea -- not the kind from Long Island) and later went to dinner. Stacy's cousin Ashley joined us at the shower and after for drinks and dinner. We all really enjoyed having her around for the entire day! It truly was a wonderful weekend and we want to thank everyone who attended for making it so special for us. For those who couldn't attend -- we really appreciate all the messages and gifts that were sent to us on that day and weekend. You were missed and in our thoughts that day.
Stacy was so excited that her cousin Ashley could come and spend the entire day with her!
A lot of teachers that Stacy worked with in Dallas were able to attend the shower. It was truly bittersweet for her. It was amazing for Stacy to see everyone, but she was sad it was only for the day.

Our littlest guest, Molly, approved all of Cameron's gifts. She was such a sweet girl at her first BIG GIRL party and even surprised her mom with how good she was! Thank you Mary for bringing your precious little girl!

Oh, Cameron's first doll. It even came with a matching dress!

But we all know what she will be! (; H-O-K-I-E-S HOKIES!

It was a big day! Stacy's looking a little tired!

Ashley showed our Mom's the most flattering pose! (;
Hanging out with Uncle Sean and Aunt Carolyn after the shower.
Obviously something was really funny or the drinks were really good!

A girls shoe addiction can never start too early!

Cameron will already have some big decisions to make when she arrives!
She could be a Nittany Lion like Uncle Sean and Aunt Carolyn
She could be a Nittany Lion like Uncle Sean and Aunt Carolyn

Or she could be a Seminole like Pops and Grandma "B"

The beautiful flowers Stacy's mom bought for the shower

Obviously something was really funny or the drinks were really good!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Baby Shower
Yesterday, Grandma P "Momma P", Grandma B "Momma B", and Aunt Carolyn threw me and Cameron a baby shower at Breadwinners Bistro and Cafe in Dallas. It was such a wonderful day and I felt truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends to share this very special time in my life with. People were more than generous with gifts, clothes, and baby essentials and I am touched by the amount of love everyone has for our sweet girl already! Thank you for the kind messages from people who couldn't attend yesterday and for everyone who did--you made it a truly AMAZING day for me!
Books, Baby Gear, and Blankets -- Oh My!
Prissy Clothes, Onsies, Pajamas and we might as well start her shoe addiction now! (:
More pictures to come of the actual day! The Grandmas did a much better job of taking pictures than I did!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Introducing ...
Bruce and I would like to introduce you to our precious little GIRL, Cameron Paige Beville! At 19 weeks we were able to get a few great pictures of her. While we were there we received amazing news that she is healthy and progressing wonderfully. She is middle range for her weight and has long legs! We are very excited about having a little girl and can't wait to meet her in February!

She gave us a great picture of her profile and also of her bottom where we could see she was a girl for sure! (You are looking at her bottom and back of her legs with nothing in between!) Don't worry ... she was very lady like! (;
Trip to Wisconsin and Rockford
My Dad, "Paw or Grandpaw", picked me and Toby up in Horseshoe Bay and we drove to Wisconsin to visit my grandparents at their house on Lake Michigan. We had a WONDERFUL time! We did all of my favorite things! We went to the cheese factory, shopped at St. Vincent's, went for walks on the beach, and took Toby out to swim in the lake! Toby loved the water and reminded all of us how a puppy behaves in a new environment. He was a lot of work but I'm glad he was able to swim and meet everyone! I very much enjoyed visiting with my Grandma and Papa and hope Bruce can join us next time!
We also took a day trip to Rockford to visit Aunt Paige and Uncle Terry! It was wonderful to have dinner with them at their house! Grandma and Aunt Paige also surprised me with baby shower gifts since they can not attend the baby shower in Dallas.
Thanks everyone for a GREAT visit!
Gender Neutral?
Bruce and I have been getting a lot of adorable outfits for our little girl! Bruce said that he figured we would just buy all gender neutral clothing so the next time we have a baby we could reuse the clothes. Later, he looked in Cameron's closet and said, "I think pink and dresses are slowly taking over the closet ... that would look ridiculous on a boy! So much for gender neutral!" (;
Thanks for the adorable outfits Uncle Patrick! I really like the black shoes and the VT dress! Soooo cute!
Football FANatic!
Monday, September 6, 2010
"Howdy" and "Gig 'Em"

On Saturday, Bruce and I experienced our first trip to College Station with our good friends Chad and Vanessa. We left early that morning and headed to our first Texas A&M game. It was such a fun trip and a really neat experience to see a different college campus that is filled with tradition. The game was great and half time was amazing! Chad did tell us, "Even if the Aggies did not win ... they always win half time!" He was not lying! The Corps of Cadets was incredible and the Aggies did win against SFA 44 to 7! Chad was a trooper and after driving early that morning, a tour of the campus, tailgating, and a 6 pm game he drove us back home that night!Thanks Chad and Vanessa!
We Love Surprises!

Last week we received a very special surprise delivery from Momma B's best friend Polly! We received a very beautiful Willow Tree figure. We placed it by our wedding photograph as a little symbol of our journey so far. We feel very blessed to have the support from our family and friends and the love you already have for our little one is indescribable. The little things you do truly have meant the world to us! Thank you again Polly (Grandma #3) (: !
Congratulations Bruce!

Two weeks ago our family received wonderful news. Bruce was promoted to Sales Manager at Ben E. Keith's Llano Branch! So, along with this wonderful news we will be moving. Llano is about 3 1/2 hours from Dallas and we have chosen to rent a townhouse in Horseshoe Bay, Texas (25 mins from Llano) while our house sells in Frisco. I unfortunately had to resign from my position as a first grade teacher, but plan to substitute in the surrounding counties of Horseshoe Bay. It was sad to leave my class, but I couldn't be prouder of Bruce and I know this is the best move for our family. I know that as long as Bruce and I are together we can accomplish anything and I know there are very big things in our future! We are very excited to see what this move has in store for us!
While we were looking for a place to rent we did pull over to take a few pictures of Lake LBJ, and yes ... there are lakes and other bodies of water in Texas! (; More pictures to come when we move and get settled!
Update from the Doctor
On August 26th we had a routine appointment with the doctor who let us know that everything is still progressing wonderfully! She did, however, ask what the NT doctor had predicted for the gender of the baby because he did not write his gender prediction down for her. I then told her that he never made a true prediction and that the technician was the one who had made the prediction of a girl. So, my doctor giggled and said she would determine the sex using and old wives tale about the heart beat. She checked the heart beat and it was right in the middle of the two ranges! This baby is just going to keep us guessing! (:
The results from the NT scan came back with incredible news! Because of my age the baby already only had a 1 and 800 risk of having down syndrome and after the scan the doctors can now say that our baby has a 1 and 10,000 chance. We feel very blessed to have such wonderful news and to have had such a wonderful pregnancy so far!
Next appointment: September 23rd
The results from the NT scan came back with incredible news! Because of my age the baby already only had a 1 and 800 risk of having down syndrome and after the scan the doctors can now say that our baby has a 1 and 10,000 chance. We feel very blessed to have such wonderful news and to have had such a wonderful pregnancy so far!
Next appointment: September 23rd
Thursday, August 12, 2010
And the Doctor Predicts ...

Today we went to our doctors appointment for an NT scan which is a screening for down syndrome and other health risks. The doctor issued a clean bill of health for our little one and also made a prediction on the baby's gender. The doctor's prediction is: It's a GIRL!
The prediction is just that, a prediction at 12 weeks, so please don't go out and buy a plethora of pink frilly things! We will know for sure at our 20 week ultrasound and the way things are going ... that will be here before we know it!
We also have some updated pictures of Baby Beville. The first one is of "her" profile and body and the second is a close up of "her" profile. Enjoy! (: (We sure did!)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Doctor's Appointment at 10 Weeks!
Last Friday Bruce and I went to the doctor for a check up and to hear the baby's heartbeat! It was super exciting to finally hear the heartbeat especially since it took our doctor a little while to find it! The heart beat was between 160-170 and the doctor let us know that an old wives (yes wives and not wise) tale about heartbeats is: "The faster the heartbeat the more likely you are to have a girl." Then when I was telling her about how I was feeling, I mentioned my nausea seemed to really only come at night. She then said according to an old wives tale: "If nausea comes in waves and is less severe then you will most likely have a boy." So, we will just have to wait an see! Overall the baby is still very healthy and we will continue to pray for a healthy baby and an easy uneventful pregnancy!
Our next appointments are August 12th and August 26th! August 12th is for a NT which is a sonogram that will check for down syndrome and is about 92% accurate. They also said that we would be able to find out if it was a boy and be about 95% sure if it was a girl. Since it is not an exact 100% what we will be having Bruce does not want to know, but I do ...sooooo I just might have to keep it a secret for a little while! (; Our appointment on August 26th is a routine check up with our doctor. We will hear the heartbeat again and begin talking about what hospital we want to deliver at! So, a lot more exciting news coming SOON!
Our next appointments are August 12th and August 26th! August 12th is for a NT which is a sonogram that will check for down syndrome and is about 92% accurate. They also said that we would be able to find out if it was a boy and be about 95% sure if it was a girl. Since it is not an exact 100% what we will be having Bruce does not want to know, but I do ...sooooo I just might have to keep it a secret for a little while! (; Our appointment on August 26th is a routine check up with our doctor. We will hear the heartbeat again and begin talking about what hospital we want to deliver at! So, a lot more exciting news coming SOON!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Baby Magazines!

Today we received a very special bundle of baby magazines from Momma B! In the package: Baby Talk Magazine and Pregnancy Planner, As Your Baby Grows (from conception to birth), Pregnancy Magazine, and a list of over the counter medicines Stacy can use. All of the magazines look very interesting and have a lot of articles that relate to Mom and Dad. There will be a lot of reading for the both of us! Thanks Momma B!
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